Sunday, May 20, 2018

What to Look for in Golf Cart...

What to Look for in Golf Cart Batteries

Golf is a pretty great hobby to get into. It combines some of the best things in life: cardio, fresh air, and the fun task of driving around a golf cart. Through the years, there have been different types of golf carts to hit the market like gas and electric. Today, I wanted to talk about what you should look for in your golf cart batteries.

Here are a few things you should be looking for:

Good Voltage

Golf cart batteries come in different voltages: six, eight, and even twelve. How you pair those up will be up to you. Just remember that you should not pair up incompatible ones. Your golf cart batteries should have at least decent voltage in order to sufficiently power it.

It would make very little sense to get batteries that cannot even push your cart forward. Always check what sort of voltage your cart needs and cross reference it with the batteries that you’re looking to get.


Batteries in golf carts need to be durable. They’ll be going through different terrains and should be able to survive any little bumps or jolts while you’re driving around. It simply will not do to have your battery conk out on you because you’ve hit a bit of a rough patch while driving.


In all things, you need to be able to expect decent performance out of your batteries. They need to be able to last quite a while. If your golf car battery dies out on you after a couple of months of usage, you may need to check if the brand you’re presently using is what you should be patronizing.

To Conclude

The sort of batteries you should get for your golf cart will determine the quality of your travel from point A to point B. When you’re playing golf, you should be thinking about your game—not having to worry about the battery of your golf cart. This is why you should really think about the sort of battery you are getting.

What do you look for in your golf cart batteries?

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What to Look for in Golf Cart Batteries

What to Look for in Golf Cart Batteries

Golf is a pretty great hobby to get into. It combines some of the best things in life: cardio, fresh air, and the fun task of driving around a golf cart. Through the years, there have been different types of golf carts to hit the market like gas and electric. Today, I wanted to talk about what you should look for in your golf cart batteries.

Here are a few things you should be looking for:


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